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Is it justified to monitor your employees

The system GPS Logistic enables the Customer to constantly track the position of their vehicles or machines and to obtain additional data – current driver, working status of the mobile object (in motion, static work, in rest) and so on. This raises the question: Is it justified to monitor your employees?

There cannot be a concrete answer to this question, but since it regards company assets (in the face of the vehicles and machinery), the question can be modified as: Is it justified to know how the company’s assests are managed? Posed as this, the question becomes very easy to answer by each manager.

Of key importance for each company is to know whether its employees are handling their responsibilities in a good and safe for everyone manner. GPS Logistic deals directly with that, since it empowers the Customers to see in real time the progress of the vehicles on current tasks, to check whether the company is meeting contractual deadlines for delivery, to supervise if their drivers comply with the legal restrictions – driving speed, rests schedules (for trucks), to ensure that the vehicles follow the shortest and most suitable route for reaching their destinations and etc.


Advanced GPS Technology Ltd. has also implemented a solution, designed for companies that rent the private cars of the employees for specific work realted trips. We have introduced a mobile GPS tracker, which can be plugged into the car’s lighter socket and mounted on the front windshield, in order to capture the trip details of the monitored car. The purpose of that service is in tracing only the required route, on the basis of which to be calculated expenses, rewards and the system to generate business-tailored documentation – for example: an electronic waybill.